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Obama, Michelle Endorse Kamala
Jul 26 2024 6:37PM
Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have endorsed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.
The couple called Harris to inform her of their endorsement. Harris campaign released a video of the phone call on Friday. It shows the Vice President listening to the Obamas on an iPhone.
"Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office," Obama told Harris.

"I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala: I am proud of you. This is going to be historic," Michelle said.

Harris thanked the Obama and Michelle for their support and expressed gratitude for their longstanding friendship.

Separately, the Obamas issued a joint statement announcing the endorsement.

"She has the vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands. There is no doubt in our mind that Kamala Harris has exactly what it takes to win this election and deliver for the American people. At a time when the stakes have never been higher, she gives us all reason to hope."

The Obamas' endorsement is a major boost for Harris' chances of being nominated at Democratic Convention next month after having secured the support of a majority of Democratic delegates.

They are the latest in a series of endorsements given by Democratic Party heavy weights, including former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a number of state governors and senior Democrat lawmakers, after President Joe Biden announced his decision to quit the race and endorsed his deputy for President.