Technical Level for - Equity 26-03-2025

Symbol Cl. Price Sup 3 Sup 2 Sup 1 Pivot
Res 1 Res 2 Res 3 Stop Loss Remarks
NIFTY236692328823445235562371323825239812409323556Trade with stoploss
NIFTY BANK516085070451067513385170151972523355260651338Trade with stoploss
NIFTY IT377073671837062373853772938052383963871937385Trade with stoploss
INFY162815791592161016231641165416731610Trade with stoploss
HDFCBANK182117581780180018221843186418851800Trade with stoploss
ICICIBANK1343.71294.31312.1513281345.91361.81379.71395.61328Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TRENT518549024984508551675268535054515085Trade with stoploss
ITC409.8400.9404.75407.4411.3413.9417.9420.5407.4Trade with stoploss
RELIANCE128512511267127612921301131713261276Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
LT347033393387342834773518356636083428Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TCS365835563597362836693700374137723628Trade with stoploss.
AXISBANK1118.5510751085.651102.11112.81129.311401156.51102.1Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TATAMOTORS710.3686.7696.5703.4713.2720.1729.9736.8703.4Trade with stoploss
SBIN772.85749.2759.2766776782.8792.8799.6766Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
SUNPHARMA1764.751712.91735.651750.31773.11787.71810.61825.21750.3Trade with stoploss.
KOTAKBANK217021122136215421782196222122392154Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
HINDUNILVR227121972220224622692295231823442246Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ONGC242.25235.2237.88240242.7244.9247.5249.7240Trade with stoploss
M&M27362629.22677.12706.62754.527842831.92861.42706.6Trade with stoploss
BHARTIARTL1730.51676.51691.31710.91725.71745.31760.11779.71710.9Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
MARUTI118691148011640117551191512030121901230511755Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
HCLTECH1624.91569.71594.31609.71634.31649.71674.31689.71609.7Trade with stoploss
COALINDIA398.3383.1390.05394.2401.2405.3412.4416.5394.2Trade with stoploss
JSWSTEEL1061.7102810401050.91062.91073.81085.81096.71050.9Trade with stoploss
DRREDDY117811101139115811871206123512541158Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TECHM1455.51407.71428.551442.114631476.61497.51511.11442.1Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
INDUSINDBK637584609623648662687701623Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
WIPRO271263.4266.35268.7271.7274.1277.1279.5268.7Trade with stoploss
ASIANPAINT233122762292231223282348236523852312Trade with stoploss
CIPLA1511.21470.71487.851499.61516.81528.61545.81557.61499.6Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
POWERGRID291279.8283.7287.4291.3295298.9302.6287.4Trade with stoploss
NTPC366.95356.3360.2363.6367.5370.9374.8378.2363.6Trade with stoploss
HEROMOTOCO362835433579360436403665370137263604Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ULTRACEMCO114211098311094112571136811531116421180511257Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ADANIENT232022212268229423412367241424402294Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
BAJAJ-AUTO800677007826791680428132825883487916Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TATASTEEL156.73152.7154.35155.6157.3158.6160.3161.6155.6Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
BAJAJFINSV194518491872190819311967199120271908Trade with stoploss
BPCL279.11269.4273.32276.2280.1283286.9289.8276.2Trade with stoploss
GRASIM2569.452451.82485.92527.72561.82603.62637.72679.52527.7Trade with stoploss
SBILIFE1557.21511.71531.51544.31564.11576.91596.71609.51544.3Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ADANIPORTS1182.451133.81154.151168.31188.71202.91223.31237.51168.3Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TATACONSUM970.7939949959.9969.9980.8990.81001.7959.9Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
BEL300.03291.9295.25297.7301.1303.6307309.5297.7Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
HINDALCO693.45662672.6683.1693.7704.2714.8725.3683.1Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TITAN305429793013303330673087312131413033Trade with stoploss
BAJFINANCE906786598818894291019225938495088942Trade with stoploss
BRITANNIA484546414690476748164893494250194767Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
NESTLEIND225521802205223022552280230523302230Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
APOLLOHOSP6644.764776519.56582.16624.66687.26729.76792.36582.1Trade with stoploss
SHRIRAMFIN678.35647.7657.7668678688.3698.3708.6668Trade with stoploss
HDFCLIFE673.1653662.15667.6676.8682.3691.5697667.6Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
EICHERMOT543152895345538854445487554355865388Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest

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Attention Investors

  1. Prevent Unauthorized Transactions in your account. Update your Mobile Numbers/Email IDs with your stock brokers. Receive information of your transactions directly from the Exchange on your Mobile/Email at the end of the day.
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  3. KYC is one-time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI-registered intermediary (Broker, DP, Mutual Fund, etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.
  4. Investors need not issue cheques while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries regarding refund since the money remains in investor's account.
  5. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020.
  6. Update your Mobile Number and Email id with your stock broker/depository participant and receive OTP directly from the depository on your Email id and/or Mobile Number to create pledge.
  7. Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment.
  8. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide circular reference NSE/INSP/45191 dated July 31, 2020, and NSE/INSP/45534 dated August 31, 2020, and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard.
  9. Check your Securities/MF/Bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month.