Technicals Equity

Technical Level for - Equity 20-02-2025

Symbol Cl. Price Sup 3 Sup 2 Sup 1 Pivot
Res 1 Res 2 Res 3 Stop Loss Remarks
NIFTY229332258122698228162293323051231682328622816Trade with stoploss
NIFTY BANK495704821648510490404933449864501585068849040Trade with stoploss
NIFTY IT409244005540420406734103841291416564190940673Trade with stoploss
INFY181117521779179518221838186518811795Trade with stoploss
HDFCBANK172716891701171417261740175117651714Trade with stoploss
ICICIBANK1261.651205.61217.91239.81252.112741286.31308.21239.8Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TRENT499147584849492150125084517552474921Trade with stoploss
ITC406.4400.1402.3404.4406.6408.7410.9413404.4Trade with stoploss
RELIANCE122712041211121912261234124112491219Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
LT327631333172322432643315335534073224Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TCS378436363702374338093850391639573743Trade with stoploss.
AXISBANK1011.35969.9979995.21004.31020.51029.61045.8995.2Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TATAMOTORS681657.8666.4673.7682.3689.6698.2705.5673.7Trade with stoploss
SBIN727.3708.6715.3721.4728.1734.2740.9747721.4Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
SUNPHARMA1676.61597.51622.31649.41674.21701.31726.11753.21649.4Trade with stoploss.
KOTAKBANK198519341948196719812000201420331967Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
HINDUNILVR225021722210223022682288232623462230Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ONGC238.3231.3232.9235.6237.2239.9241.5244.2235.6Trade with stoploss
M&M2757.42674.82701.352729.4275627842810.72838.72729.4Trade with stoploss
BHARTIARTL1645.21596.41617.41631.41652.41666.41687.41701.41631.4Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
MARUTI126861251712584126351270212753128201287112635Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
HCLTECH1712.31671.91687.6517001715.81728.217441756.41700Trade with stoploss
COALINDIA362.3351.2354.6358.5361.9365.8369.2373.1358.5Trade with stoploss
JSWSTEEL977.35950.3960.7969.1979.5987.9998.31006.7969.1Trade with stoploss
DRREDDY116610881108113711571187120612361137Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TECHM1685.81632.51653.751669.81691.11707.21728.51744.61669.8Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
INDUSINDBK10369951005102110311047105810731021Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
WIPRO314.1301.3304.8309.5313317.7321.2325.9309.5Trade with stoploss
ASIANPAINT223922022214222622382250226222742226Trade with stoploss
CIPLA1464.1513881407.151435.61454.81483.31502.515311435.6Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
POWERGRID263.05254.5258.4260.7264.6266.9270.8273.1260.7Trade with stoploss
NTPC314.8305.8308.15311.5313.9317.2319.7323311.5Trade with stoploss
HEROMOTOCO387937453780382938643913394839973829Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ULTRACEMCO112921096711099111961132811425115571165411196Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ADANIENT218120412084213321762225226823172133Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
BAJAJ-AUTO848082918348841484718537859486608414Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TATASTEEL135.76129.7131.35133.5135.2137.4139.1141.3133.5Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
BAJAJFINSV187518321850186318811894191219251863Trade with stoploss
BPCL255.6244.5247251.4253.9258.3260.8265.2251.4Trade with stoploss
GRASIM2463.22410.72428.52445.92463.72481.12498.92516.32445.9Trade with stoploss
SBILIFE1475.61449.31457.151466.41474.31483.61491.51500.81466.4Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
ADANIPORTS1082.8510241039.251061.11076.41098.31113.61135.51061.1Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TATACONSUM1025.31008.71014.951020.21026.51031.71038.11043.31020.2Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
BEL253.4230.7235.45244.4249.2258.2263272244.4Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
HINDALCO626.3590.7598.6612.5620.4634.3642.2656.1612.5Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
TITAN321031223157318432193245328133073184Trade with stoploss
BAJFINANCE843982548327838384568512858586418383Trade with stoploss
BRITANNIA483847144763480148504888493749754801Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
NESTLEIND220521682183219422092220223522462194Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
APOLLOHOSP6422.656175.56229.856326.26380.664776531.46627.86326.2Trade with stoploss
SHRIRAMFIN557.8536.5541.45549.7554.7562.9568576.2549.7Trade with stoploss
HDFCLIFE622.85606.2610616.4620.2626.6630.4636.8616.4Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest
EICHERMOT481145754626471947704863491450074719Trade with stoploss.Buy on dip to Invest

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Attention Investors

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  4. Investors need not issue cheques while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries regarding refund since the money remains in investor's account.
  5. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020.
  6. Update your Mobile Number and Email id with your stock broker/depository participant and receive OTP directly from the depository on your Email id and/or Mobile Number to create pledge.
  7. Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment.
  8. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide circular reference NSE/INSP/45191 dated July 31, 2020, and NSE/INSP/45534 dated August 31, 2020, and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard.
  9. Check your Securities/MF/Bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month.